Four Australian animals that are threatened with extinction are featured in this Threatened Wildlife stamp issue.

Issue : 26 Jun 2007
Withdrawal : 31 Dec 2007

Four Australian animals that are threatened with extinction are featured in this Threatened Wildlife stamp issue.

Each animal featured on the stamps are classed as endangered or vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation EPBC) Act 1999.

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The Grey-headed Flying-fox is Australia’s largest bat and can be found along the eastern coast of Australia from Bundaberg in Queensland to Melbourne and as far west as Warrnambool on the Victorian coast.
Weighing around 45 grams, the Mountain Pygmy-possum resides in the alpine and sub-alpine zone above 1400 metres in Victoria and New South Wales. This Pygmy-possum is found in only four alpine locations and has a breeding population of only around 2000.

The Flatback Turtle is so named due to its smooth, flat, yellow-grey or olive-grey shell and measures around a metre in length, weighing up to 90 kilograms.

The Wandering Albatross has the largest wingspan of all flying birds. It nests on small islands in the Southern Ocean, including Australia’s Macquarie Island.

Technical Details

* Issue date - 26 June 2007
* FDI withdrawal date - 24 July 2007
* Denominations - Two x 50c, one x $1.25, one x $1.30
* Illustration - Ego Guiotto
* Typography - Simone Sakinofsky, Australia Post Design Studio
* Printer - SEP Sprint
* Printing process - Lithography
* Paper - Tullis Russell
* Stamp size - 26mm x 37.5mm and 37.5mm x 26mm
* Perforations - 14.6 x 13.86
* Sheet layout - 50/two x 25
* Special feature - nil
* National postmark - Sanctuary Cove, QLD 4212

Product Range

* Stamps (two x 50c, one x $1.25, one x $1.30)
* First day cover (affixed)
* Stamp pack
* Set of maxicards (five)
* Set of postcards (five)
* Gutter Strips (10 x 50c, 10 x $1.25, 10 x $1.30 – no design)
* Prestige booklet

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