Bird stamps from French Guiana: dates of emission and complete statistics.

With a land area of 83,534 km2 (32,253 sq mi), French Guiana is the second-largest region of France (it is more than one-seventh the size of Metropolitan France) and the largest outermost region within the European Union.

It has a very low population density, with only  inhabitants per square kilometre (9.3/sq mi). (Its population is less than 1/200 the population of Metropolitan France.)

Half of its 296,711 inhabitants in 2019 lived in the metropolitan area of Cayenne, its capital. 98.9% of the land territory of French Guiana is covered by forests, a large part of which is primeval rainforest.

The Guiana Amazonian Park, which is the largest national park in the European Union  covers 41% of French Guiana's territory.

Since December 2015 both the region and the department have been ruled by a single assembly within the framework of a new territorial collectivity, the French Guiana Territorial Collectivity (French: collectivité territoriale de Guyane).

This assembly, the French Guiana Assembly (French: assemblée de Guyane), has replaced the former regional council and departmental council, which were both disbanded.

The French Guiana Assembly is in charge of regional and departmental government. Its president is Rodolphe Alexandre.

The region still faces such problems as poor infrastructure, high costs of living, high levels of crime and common social unrest.

The avifauna of French Guiana has 698 confirmed species, of which one is endemic.
Face value | Family number | English name | Scientific name

1947.01  02.06.1947  Definitives    
White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus White-throated Toucan Ramphastos tucanus Military Macaw Ara militaris Military Macaw Ara militaris
10f    99    White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus    
15f    99    White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus    = 10f
20f    99    White-throated Toucan    Ramphastos tucanus    = 10f
25f    107    Military Macaw    Ara militaris

and    107    Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna    
and    107    Sun Parakeet    Aratinga solstitialis    
40f    107    Military Macaw    Ara militaris    = 25f
and    107    Blue-and-yellow Macaw    Ara ararauna    
and    107    Sun Parakeet    Aratinga solstitialis    

1947.02  02.06.1947  Air    
Black Caracara Daptrius ater Black-necked Aracari Pteroglossus aracari
50f    104    Black Caracara    Daptrius ater    
200f    99    Black-necked Aracari    Pteroglossus aracari
Read also: Bird stamps from French Equatorial Africa: dates of emission and complete statistics.
and    99    Yellow-throated Toucan    Ramphastos ambiguus    
and    99    Black-billed Mountain Toucan    Andigena nigrirostris    
and    99    Channel-billed Toucan    Ramphastos vitellinus
source: BirdTheme
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12 August 2019 at 17:00 ×

The French Guiana birdlife, overseas department of France, includes a total of 734 species, belonging to 27 orders and 81 families.

12 August 2019 at 17:02 ×

@Giampaolo Rossi.-Two species have been introduced by man and around 132 are considered rare or accidental. According to the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 1 five species are threatened globally.Two species have been introduced by man and around 132 are considered rare or accidental. According to the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, 1 five species are threatened globally.

Cuba, birds, stamps, animals Croatia, birds, stamps, animals Cook Islands, birds, stamps, animals Cocos Islands, stamps, birds, animals Congo, Africa, stamps, birds, animals China, stamps, birds, animals Chile, stamps, birds, animals Cayman Islands, birds, stamps, animals Cayes of Belize, birds, animals, stamps Caribbean Netherlands, birds, stamps, animals

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