In thè 19th century, big wedding feasts in Àland could only be afforded by thè more well-to-do people. Festivities varied from piace to piace and changed over thè years. The wedding often began by picking up thè bride at her home.
The bridal cortège was accompanied by folk musicians and bridal flags, and thè festivities often lasted for up to four whole days.
K.E. Janssen sketched thè bride in thè painting after a living model, Ida, a crofter's girl from Karrbòle in Jomala. Karl Emanuel had met Ida at a wedding feast and become fond of her looks. She was no actual bride, but she was dressed in a bridal gown in order to be portrayed. Since thè 1960s, thè municipality of Jomala has organized festivities showing us how thè old-fashioned peasant weddings were celebrated. A special cancellation will be arranged this summer in connection with thè Peasant Wedding Fair ori 6 July.
The painting 'Àland Peasant Bride' was finished in 1869, five years before Karl Emanuel died from tuberculosis, only 28 years old. The spectacular painting was purchased by thè Finnish Art Society and can now be seen at thè Àland Art Museum.
Date of issue
Price FDC
Size of stamp
Size of sheet2 x
Printing method
Prìnting house
15 August 2008 Karl Emanuel Janssen Cecilia Mattsson 200 000 €1.50 €2.00
29.07 x 38 mm 15 stamps
13 per 2 cm 110 g/m2 4+1-colour offset Cartor Security Printing
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