In time far Christmas, Àland Post issues its forth set of Christmas decorations.
The artist behind this set of decorations is well-known by thè Post's customers. Marianne Hàggbiom created last year's decorations as well as this year's Christmas seals. Linda Karlsson designed thè cover.
The set contains four different snowflakes made from brass and plated with 24 carat gold. Each snowflake is issued with a golden string, and included in thè set is also thè 2008 Christmas stamp by Eva-Jo Hancock.
The set of Christmas decorations costs €21 and will be available as of thè beginning of November.
Model van no. 19
Model van no. 19 will be issued in November. This model is a black and yellow Chevrolet.
The van is a 1939 model with our Olympic Games in Beijing stamp issued 9 May on thè side. On thè engine bonnet, we nave placed thè artist Juha Pykàlàinen's illustration of a javelin thrower. It was also used as one of thè illustrations on thè sheet of this stamp issue.
This Chevrolet comes in thè scale 1:45. The edition for model van no. 19 is 6 500 and thè price is €14.40.
Please check our press room at www.posten.ax for pictures of thè Christmas decorations and model van no. 19.