George Grard (1901-1984) is acknowledged as one of thè greatest Belgian scuiptors.
His most famous piece is "La Mer", nicknamed Fat Mathilde, in Ostend's Leopoldpark.
The George Grard foundation was later established in Gijverinkhove to store, study and exhibit his oeuvre. It has its own bronze foundry, as well as a creative and education centre to spotlight contempo-rary sculpture.
Sart-Tilman open-air museum opened on thè edge of Liege in 1977. There are no walls or wardens. The collection now comprises 110 pieces, pro-viding a perfect overview of open-air sculpture over thè past forty years. One sculpture by Emile Desmedt ("1956) from thè "Imago" series (2006) looks fantastic here, demonstrating how Desmedt shaped naturai forms in bronze, steel and ceramic.
The sculpture garden of UCL's medicai faculty in Brussels has been home to "Autoportrait" by Gérald Dederen ("1957) since 1993. This piece of exotic wood generates its energy from thè earth, symbolically stacking geological forms like pages from history. Dederen works thè space where his works of art are displayed as a poet of thè material. As you stroll through this open-air museum, each sculpture tells you its own story.
Theme: open-air museums
- Museum George Grard (Gijverinkhove): sculpture by George Grard
- Sart-Tilman Museum (Liège): sculpture by Emile Desmedt
- Sculpture Garden of UCL (Brussels): sculpture by Gérald Dederen Creation: Roel Jacobs Denomination: 16A = Q or € 0.54
16B = € 0.80-160 = €0.90 Stamp size: 40.20 mm x 27.66 mm Sheet size: 140 mm x 166 mm Composition of thè sheets: 10 postage stamps Paper: GPW phosphorescent lltho Printingmethod: offset Repro: De Schutter 'Neroc nv Printing: The Posi - Stamp Prlntlng Office Mechelen