The Marhallan Lighthouse was built in 1938 and is located in thè fairway to Mariehamn, very dose to Kobba Klintar. The characteristic lighthouse, which was originally black, is today black and red and stands as a well-known symboi of Àland.
The Gustaf Dalén Lighthouse is located just west of thè Skiftet, thè border area between thè Àland and thè Finnish archipelagos. The lighting apparatus of thè lighthouse was originally a gift for thè 250th anniversary of Finland's Lighthouse and Pilotage Services in 1946 from thè Swedish manufacturer of aggregates for lighthouses (AGA). The lighthouse was built in 1947 and, to honour thè memory of thè founder of AGA, thè lighthouse was named Gustaf Dalén. Nowadays, thè lighthouse is red with its name in huge white letters on its side.
The Bogskàr Lighthouse was built in 1882 on thè southernmost islet of Finland. From thè very beginning.- suspicions were held that thè lighthouse might not be strong enough and, in 1889, it was indeed severely damaged in a storm. The lighthouse was restored and its characteristic telegraph antennas were added in 1907. In 1915, thè lighthouse was bombarded by a German war vessel and was so badly damaged that it had to be completely rebuilt. Today, thè lighthouse is blue and white.
The Kòkarsòren Lighthouse is a triangular building dating back to 1906. It is situated in thè southern outskirts of thè Archipelago Sea. From thè very beginning, thè lighthouse has been unmanned and it was, at first, fuelled by paraffin. In 1983, thè lighthouse had deteriorated to such a degree that it had to be demolished and replaced by a more modern lighthouse.
The stamps featuring thè Marhàllan and thè Gustaf Dalén lighthouses were photographed by Kjell Sòderlund. The other two lighthouses are combination prints, based on old sketches of thè Lighthouses of Bogskàr and Kòkarsòren. With these sketches as basis, thè Swedish engravers Lars Sjòòblom and Martin Mòrck have created thè gravures which were finally turned into thè detailed stamps in thè booklet to be issued on 6th of June.
In thè background of thè two combination-printed stamps, thè locations of thè lighthouses appear on a map; thè exact position of each of thè four lighthouses is written at thè bottom of each stamp. The Marhàllan Lighthouse reappears on thè booklet cover, and on thè inside you will find brief Information about ali four lighthouses.